ISE® Central Schedule of Events 2012

ISE® Central Private Welcome Dinner

June 5, 2012
5:30pm -8:30pm CST
Dallas Chop House
1717 Main Street #100
Dallas, TX 75201

Celebrating the eve of the ISE® Central Awards, join us for an engaging Private Dinner. Our dinner topic of conversation is the “The Time is Now to Mobilize Your Data Security”. This is an opportunity to have a candid exchange with the leading Information Security Executives and discuss how to combat today's most serious security threats of blended email and web attacks that snags sensitive data. And how to protect the data in your enterprises when work and play mobile devices are paired with cloud-based apps and free access to social sites. If you want to understand the best practices in keeping your company’s sensitive data secure – in email, on the web, and through mobile apps, this program is a must-attend!

June 6, 2012

10:00am - 7:00pm: Registration

11:30 AM : ISE Central Nominee Welcome Luncheon & Presentation   *Invitation Only

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Pete Lindstrom

Pete Lindstrom
Principal Analyst
Spire Security

Measure the Immeasurable: Translating Risk to Executives  > Download Presentation
What does "we stopped 24,476 malware attacks today" mean to an executive? Not much without context. The challenge with reporting metrics is that executive don't always understand "why" they should care, as most measurements only speak to what can be measured vs. what should be measured. As security executives we need to talk less about the bits and bytes and more about what is critical to the business. If you do, you'll find the path to true partnership with the C-suite is not as difficult as exploiting an OpenSSL De-allocation vulnerability. In this session you will learn concrete strategies that will help your organization "get there" and contextualize security - for executives and the business alike. Learn how to create a repeatable, successful strategy to communicate IT risk-to-business risk to build an open line of communication, prioritize issues, and possibly gain more resources to fix the problem right.

1:00 PM : Welcoming Remarks and Introductions

Marci McCarthy

Marci McCarthy
CEO and President

1:15 PM : Keynote Address

John R. South

John R. South
Chief Security Officer
Heartland Payment Systems
ISE® Central Executive Award Winner 2011
ISE® of the Decade Central Award Winner 2012
ISE® North America Executive Award Finalist 2011

T.E.N. Success Story

Merchant Fraud - Advances in 21st Century Robbery  > Download Presentation
Merchant fraud is today’s digital analogy to crimes that once required a physical presence to commit. It is a dimension of business that needs as much attention to policy, process and enforcement as the more traditional information security functions. Fraud can financially devastate businesses and merchants with repercussions that may last for years, if they are ever resolved. Although no one may be physically injured, the crime can still be a traumatic experience for both merchants and employees. Efforts are underway to mitigate fraudsters' capabilities to commit malicious digital merchant fraud acts, but, as we will explore in this presentation, more needs to be done. 

1:45 PM : Interactive Executive Roundtables

The Interactive Executive Roundtables brings together ISE® Nominees, industry leaders, invited guests, and sponsor delegates to meet each other and join in interactive discussions on key industry issues as well as share best practices.  The interactive roundtable discussions are hosted by our ISE® Judges and Nominees.

View Roundtable Topics and Guest Moderators

2:45 PM : Break

2:55 PM : Nominee Showcase Presentation #1

Vickie Miller

Vickie Miller
Director of Information Security
ISE® Central People's Choice Award Winner 2010

3:15 PM: Industry Crossroads Panel Discussion

An industry cross section of ISE Alumni and leading security executives explore today’s hottest security trends and issues and the key challenges they are facing now and in the future.


James Beeson

James Beeson
Chief Information Security Officer
GE Capital
ISE® North America Executive Award Finalist 2011


Todd Fitzgerald

Todd Fitzgerald
Director, Global Information Security
2005 ISE® Central Finalist
2006 ISE® Central MC & Judge
2008 ISE® West MC
2012 ISE® North America MC
Security Author

Robert Pace Robert Pace
Director, IT Security & Support Services
Williamson-Dickie Mfg. Co.
Cynthia Whitley

Cynthia Whitley
IT Risk Officer
ISE® Central Finalist 2008

Brian Wrozek

Brian Wrozek
IT Security Director
Texas Instruments Incorporated
ISE® Central Executive Award Winner 2008

4:00 PM : Nominee Showcase Presentation #2

Lee Parrish
Vice President & Chief Security Officer
Parsons Corp.
ISE® North America People's Choice Award Winner 2011

Cracking the CEO Barrier and Making Security a Top Corporate Priority  > Download Presentation
In this presentation we will learn how Lee transformed the security program and security culture at Parsons in the past 12 months. Arriving into his new role with only two employees on the existing team, Lee immediately began to assess the high risk areas and communicate those to risks, as well as investment strategies to the CEO and to the Board of Directors. In one year, Lee has met one on one with the CEO no less than twelve times and presented to the Board of Directors on four occasions. This risk based approach, coupled with effective marketing of security to the highest level of the corporation, resulted in growing his team from 2 to 20 security professionals, tripling his operating budget, and the creation of a state of the art security operations center all in the past year.

4:20 PM : Nominee Showcase Presentation #3

4:45 PM: Late Afternoon Break

Brian Brush Brian Brush
Director of Corporate Security
Sallie Mae

Sallie Mae's Enterprise-wide Continuous Monitoring Program and Vulnerability Scanning Process Evolution  >
Download Presentation

In 2011, Sallie Mae's information security team realized the need to replace its vulnerability scanning process as a way to better secure its expanding computing infrastructure within an increasingly constrained budgetary environment. Brian will share how after evaluating the potential impact on its systems, the team initiated this complex task knowing that significant reengineering of the company's processes would be required. Committed to the end result, the team moved from periodic, compliance-oriented scanning to full implementation of a new enterprise-wide continuous monitoring program in record time, more than doubling scanning coverage while realizing an annual cost savings of 31% over the next 5 years.

5:00 PM : VIP Reception (invitation only)

ISE® Nominees, sponsors and special guests will have the opportunity to network in a private setting with beverages and appetizers.

6:00 PM : Sponsor Pavilion and Dinner Buffet

Guests enjoy gourmet dinner while networking and meeting the sponsors.  Honoring and celebrating the award nominees for 2014, this exciting occasion will bring together top security executives to recognize the individuals who have made significant and positive impact on their organizations through exemplary performance.

7:30 PM : ISE® Central Awards Gala

Honoring and celebrating the ISE® Central Award Nominees, this exciting occasion will bring together top security executives to recognize the individuals and the project teams who have made significant and positive impact on their organizations through exemplary performance.

9:00 PM : Champagne & Dessert Reception

Enjoy champagne and dessert while celebrating the winners, nominees and project teams. Don't miss the Passport for Prizes drawing and a chance to win outstanding gifts from our ISE® sponsors.