The ISE® Awards recognize the individuals and their teams who have demonstrated outstanding leadership in the field of information security. The Information Security Executive (ISE®) of the Year Award Winner is defined as a leader who guides the organization’s risk management, data asset protection, privacy and network security efforts to improve their organization's cyber security posture while proactively implementing security technology and processes.
The Information Security Project of the Year Award Winner is defined as a completed information security project that has had the greatest positive impact on an organization in the last 18-24 months and is evaluated on its scope, goals, execution and results.
Only one form will be accepted per nominee, and only the first form that is received will be considered for nominations. Forms displaying duplicate information will not be considered valid.
Information Security Executive® of the Year Award Requirements
The Information Security Executive® of the Year Award honors the individual who has made the greatest positive impact on his or her organization through risk management, enterprise data assets and privacy protection and information security. Nominees should be responsible for managing internal security organizations, mentoring and motivating staff members, developing innovative security solutions to business challenges and effectively managing and executing security strategies.
The Information Security Executive® ® of the Year is defined as a leader who guides the effective use of information security and risk management to improve his or her company's information security posture while proactively implementing security technology and processes. Nominees can be a CSO, CISO, CTO, CIO, vice president, director or manager from IT, networking or security departments. Nominees cannot be an information security vendor or information security services provider. Executive nominee must have held his/her current role or position for 12+ months. Exceptions may be made for executives who have had continuous involvement and influence in the organization’s security strategy, but have recently been promoted or had his/her role expanded within the same organization. Other characteristics of the Information Security Executive of the Year Award nominee include the following:
- Must be a member of management (hold a title of manager or above), such as CSO, CISO, CTO, CIO, Vice President, Director or Manager from IT, networking or security departments
- Must have primary responsibility for risk management, data asset protection, regulatory compliance, governance, privacy and/or information/network security performance of a company or organization
- Must have employees who report directly to the nominee and have budget responsibility
- Must maintain primary residence in and be employed by a business or oversee the security infrastructure of a subsidiary that is located in the United States of America or Canada. See location criteria for each ISE® region listed on the left-hand side of this page.
- An organization may submit only one nominee per region in the Executive Category for the ISE® Award.
- An executive CANNOT have been a nominee for more than three consecutive years representing the same organization. If the executive moves to a different ISE® region or receives a promotion within the same organization, the executive is then eligible to submit a nomination form and be considered a nominee for the next three consecutive years. If the executive has changed company/organization, the executive must have worked at the new organization for at least twelve months prior to submitting another nomination form.
- CANNOT be an information security vendor or information security services provider or a contractor.
- A nominee CANNOT participate in this ISE® Program if a colleague or peer from the same organization is on the ISE® Judges Panel within the same region.
- All ISE® Nominees and their teams are invited to attend the ISE® Summit and Awards on a complimentary basis.
- Tickets and Reserved Award Gala Tables (10 tickets) are available for an additional cost for the ISE® Nominee’s Guests to include colleagues, solution/vendor partners, friends and family.
Information Security Project of the Year Award Requirements
The Project of the Year Awards honor the key members of a team who have made the greatest positive impact on their organization through implementing risk management, enterprise data assets, privacy protection or an information security project. The Project must have been completed in the past 18-24 months and be able to show measurable results. Nominees cannot be an information security vendor or information security services provider. Other characteristics of the Information Project of the Year Award nominee include the following:
- The Project must involve risk management, data asset protection, regulatory compliance, governance, privacy and/or information/network security performance of the company or organization
- The Project must involve risk management, data asset protection, regulatory compliance, governance, privacy and/or information/network security performance of the company or organization
- The Project must have been completed in the past 18-24 months
- The Project must have an Executive Sponsor. An Executive Sponsor can be a CSO, CISO, CTO, CIO, vice president, or director from IT, networking or security departments who attests to the facts submitted in the nomination form
- The Project work must have been accomplished by team members where the majority of the team is located in the United States of America or Canada. See location criteria for each ISE® region listed on the left-hand side of this page.
- An organization my enter up to two projects per ISE® Program, but each project must be entered on a separate nomination form and must have separate objectives.
- A nominee CANNOT participate in this ISE® Program if a colleague or peer from the same organization is on the ISE® Judges Panel within the same region.
- CANNOT be an information security vendor or information security services provider or a contractor
- As the Executive Sponsors and project teams will be recognized during the ISE® Executive Forum and Awards, nominees are requested to attend the one-day program. All Executive Sponsors and their teams are invited to attend complimentary the ISE® Summit and Awards.
- Tickets and Reserved Award Gala Tables (10 tickets) are available for an additional cost for the ISE® Nominee’s Guests to include colleagues, solution/vendor partners, friends and family.