Jack Key
Chief Information Security Officer
ISE® North America Executive Award Finalist 2010
ISE® Central Executive Award Finalist 2010
Can’t sleep at night? You must be a CISO! > Download Presentation
with so many demands and challenges facing today’s CISO, what should a CISO be focusing on? Without a crystal ball, looking into the future is somewhat of a guessing game. However, there are some fundamental tried and true practices that work today that will also work in the future. This presentation will focus on three key fundamentals; people, processes and technology. What does a future cyber security professional look like and where are they coming from. Today’s processes have to expand beyond a traditional internal focus and look at expanding relationships and dealing with a larger 3rd party utilization strategy. What are the limits of our current technology and do we need to become innovators in order to address current and future technology gaps.