ISE® Northeast Executive Nominees 2012

These nominees have demonstrated outstanding leadership and exemplary achievement in the areas of information security, risk management, data asset protection, regulatory compliance, privacy and network security. They have proven their ability to develop innovative security strategies and solutions to meet business challenges in their organizations and the industry. Congratulations to the ISE® Northeast Award Nominees!

Roland Cloutier

Roland Cloutier
Vice President, Chief Security Officer

Mike Higgins

Mike Higgins
Chief Security Officer
New York Times Company

Brian Kelly

Brian Kelly
Director of Information Security and Network Operations
Quinnipiac University

Damian McDonald

Damian McDonald
Vice President, Global Information Security

Kevin McGee

Kevin McGee
SVP, IT Governance, and CISO
CIT Group

Justin Peavey

Justin Peavey
SVP Information Systems & Chief Information Security Officer
Omgeo LLC

Scott Pettigrew

Scott Pettigrew
Chief Security Officer

David Ritenour

David Ritenour
Chief Information Security Officer
SunGard Financial Corporation

Richard Smith

Richard Smith
General Manager, Operations
Transportation Security Administration

Myrna Soto

Myrna Soto
Senior Vice President and Chief Information and Infrastructure Security Officer