Stonesoft Cyberstrat 13

Are you blinded by the illusion of security? Can your organization benefit from applying national and military network security thinking to the enterprise?

Our digital dependence breeds vulnerabilities that can be exploited by criminals, hackers, hacktivists, and well-resourced nations and non-state organizations; therefore, our critical systems must be robust in the face of motivated persistent hackers and resilient enough to withstand attacks and quickly recover. As threats continue to evolve in complexity and frequency, we must develop and deploy both offensive and defensive tactics as part of a balanced cyber security strategy in order to protect the enterprise

Join your peers in information security to learn more about the art of cyber war, the evolving threat landscape and why offense, defense and resilience should be key to your cyber security strategy.

1:00pm - Registration

1:30pm - Welcome Remarks

Marci McCarthy

Marci McCarthy
CEO and President

Richard Benigno Richard Benigno
Senior Vice President Sales, North America

1:40pm - Keynote Address

John Pescatore

John Pescatore
Director of Emerging Security Trends

Thwarting Cyber Attacks and Enabling Business
Download Presentation

2:25pm - Cyber Security Trends: Intel's View

Matthew Rosenquist

Matthew Rosenquist
Strategic Security Planner
Intel Corp.

Download Presentation

3:00pm - Executive Roundtables Moderated by Leading ISE® Alumni

John Masserini

John Masserini
Chief Security Officer
MIAX Options
ISE® Northeast Executive Award Winner 2010
ISE® North America Executive Award Finalist 2010


Defending Against Advanced Threats in an Ever-evolving Threat Landscape
The cyberspace environment is extremely dynamic and unfortunately, new vulnerabilities and threats emerge on a daily basis. Security leaders must develop and employ various offensive and defensive strategies to defend the enterprise and minimize risks at an acceptable cost. Join our discussion to learn how your peers are addressing advanced threats from internal, external and global sources, and share your own insights on protecting your enterprise in the evolving threat landscape.

Michael Dierickx

Michael Dierickx
Director Product Information Security
Panasonic Avionics Corporation

Redefining the CISO Role
Who is the CISO? It’s a difficult question to answer considering organizations can vary by size, scope and regulatory pressures, ultimately shaping a leader’s responsibilities. But outside the influences of one’s business environment, there is still a great debate regarding this role. Should the CISO’s focus be primarily governance-based or should he/she fill an operational role? What is the most effective reporting structure? As technology continues to increase in complexity and risk, how can the CISO leverage resources to campaign for vital security initiatives and become a key business driver in the enterprise.

Mark Coderre

Mark Coderre
Head of Security Architecture
ISE® Northeast Executive Award Finalist 2009

Securing the Virtual World for Real World Business Returns
Internet may not be your business, but guaranteed — your business is on the Internet. Although it is history’s greatest facilitator of innovation, communication and collaboration, Internet opens up your enterprise to countless risks and vulnerabilities. Computer networks facilitate logistics, financial transactions, your global staff productivity and the storage of your data, but infrastructure that isn’t security and stable attracts cyber criminals, hackers and foreign attackers. Join this discussion to learn how a balanced, dynamic cyber security strategy is imperative for your organization to survive and succeed in cyberspace.

John Shepard

John Shepard
Head of Security Architecture

The Growing Complexity of IT Security: How Do We Manage?
IT Security is undoubtedly a cat and mouse game. As technology threats grow in complexity, security leaders work tirelessly to develop new methods for identifying and thwarting attacks. But the fact remains— there is no such thing as absolute security. In the future, IT-dependent societies must be capable of withstanding an attack, or surviving an attack and recovering, without the descent into chaos. Join us to take a deep dive into the concept of developing and maintaining resilience as a central focus for your contemporary security strategy.

4:30pm - Cocktail Reception

6:00pm - Conclusion