Real-time Answers; Real-time Action: Your Solution to Better Incident Response

5:30pm - 8:30pm
Trump International Hotel
The Exchange Floor - Wall Street
325 Bay Street
Toronto, ON M5H 4G3

Vivek Khindria
Head of Information Security
Bell Canada
Malware has evolved and as the current threat landscape has changed, the standard endpoint security technology no longer is sufficient. In order to effectively protect and defend your assets, the ability to query and respond in real-time is needed to mitigate these threats. The greatest challenge is most organizations lack a true “real-time” view of the enterprise with visibility into unmanaged assets on their network. Additionally, relying on information that is days or even weeks old makes it impossible to find the answers you need to take immediate action. Join our conversation to discuss how instant access to complete, real-time data can transform your incident response strategy by enabling your team to ask questions, get immediate answers and take instant action to remediate while the incident is still occurring.
Aligning Vulnerability and Privilege Management in the Context of Business Risk

Jay Schwitzgebel
VP, Chief Information Security Officer
HealthPlan Services
Despite gigantic investments in IT security, many organizations still struggle to identify real, critical risks buried within massive amounts of data. CISOs need new strategies for assessing, prioritizing and addressing both internal and external risks in business context. Join our conversation to discuss how aligning vulnerability management and privilege management programs can shed new light on risk in terms of compliance, asset integrity, data confidentiality, and other unique business requirements, while enabling IT and security teams to efficiently collaborate on risk reduction efforts enterprise-wide.
Big Security – Are Enterprise Networks Too Complex to Secure Sufficiently

Bob Varnadoe
Chief Information Security Officer
The cyberspace environment is extremely dynamic with new vulnerabilities and threats emerging daily. The growing complexity of enterprise networks in a global economy compounds the challenge for security leaders, who must develop and employ various offensive and defensive strategies to defend the enterprise and minimize risks while maximizing the value of their investments. Join our discussion to learn how your peers are addressing the growing complexity of enterprise-wide network security, and share your own insights on protecting your enterprise in the evolving threat landscape.
Objective Security Ratings for Vendor Risk Management and Performance Benchmarking

Geoffrey Aranoff
Chief Information Security Officer
Broadcom Corporation
ISE® West Executive Award Finalist 2008
According to Enterprise Strategy Group research, only 13% of enterprise organizations claim that they have a complete IT risk profile, which means many are “flying blind” when addressing current escalating threats and vulnerabilities, particularly when confronted with the risk posed by vendors in their supply chain. CISOs need increased visibility about their partners’ security performance as well as the ability to benchmark themselves against their peers. Join our conversation to discover how objective Security Ratings can provide the necessary visibility to better manage vendor risk and learn how CISOs can implement appropriate security benchmarking strategies to support business goals.
Objective Security Ratings for Vendor Risk Management and Performance Benchmarking

Roland Cloutier
Vice President, Chief Security Officer
ISE® Northeast Executive Award Winner 2012
ISE® Northeast People's Choice Award Winner 2012
ISE® North America Commercial Executive Award Winner 2012
ISE® North America Executive Award Winner 2014 - Financial Category
T.E.N. Success Story
According to Enterprise Strategy Group research, only 13% of enterprise organizations claim that they have a complete IT risk profile, which means many are “flying blind” when addressing current escalating threats and vulnerabilities, particularly when confronted with the risk posed by vendors in their supply chain. CISOs need increased visibility about their partners’ security performance as well as the ability to benchmark themselves against their peers. Join our conversation to discover how objective Security Ratings can provide the necessary visibility to better manage vendor risk and learn how CISOs can implement appropriate security benchmarking strategies to support business goals.
Big Security – Are Enterprise Networks Too Complex to Secure Sufficiently

5:30pm - 8:30pm
The Grille at Morrison House
116 South Alfred Street
Alexandria, VA 22314

Jerry Archer
Senior Vice President, Chief Information Security Officer
Sallie Mae
ISE® North America Commercial Executive Award Winner 2011
The cyberspace environment is extremely dynamic with new vulnerabilities and threats emerging daily. The growing complexity of enterprise networks in a global economy compounds the challenge for security leaders, who must develop and employ various offensive and defensive strategies to defend the enterprise and minimize risks while maximizing the value of their investments. Join our discussion to learn how your peers are addressing the growing complexity of enterprise-wide network security, and share your own insights on protecting your enterprise in the evolving threat landscape.
ISE® North America Leadership Summit and Awards 2014

The ISE® North America Leadership Summit and Awards will be held on November 5-6, 2014 at the Westin Alexandria, VA. The ISE® North America Awards are held in conjunction with a two day Leadership Summit which includes keynote speakers, interactive roundtables moderated by the CISOs and VPs of participating companies, and hot topic panel discussions. The two day program offers the opportunity to meet with peers and leading IT executives from across the region to discuss and share insights into today's issues and solutions. Details
Objective Security Ratings for Vendor Risk Management and Performance Benchmarking

Scott Howitt
J.C. Penney
ISE® Central Executive Award Winner 2012
T.E.N. Success Story
According to Enterprise Strategy Group research, only 13% of enterprise organizations claim that they have a complete IT risk profile, which means many are “flying blind” when addressing current escalating threats and vulnerabilities, particularly when confronted with the risk posed by vendors in their supply chain. CISOs need increased visibility about their partners’ security performance as well as the ability to benchmark themselves against their peers. Join our conversation to discover how objective Security Ratings can provide the necessary visibility to better manage vendor risk and learn how CISOs can implement appropriate security benchmarking strategies to support business goals.
Objective Security Ratings for Vendor Risk Management and Performance Benchmarking

Brenda Calloway
Executive Director of Information Security
Health Care Service Corporation
ISE® Central Executive Award Finalist 2010
According to Enterprise Strategy Group research, only 13% of enterprise organizations claim that they have a complete IT risk profile, which means many are “flying blind” when addressing current escalating threats and vulnerabilities, particularly when confronted with the risk posed by vendors in their supply chain. CISOs need increased visibility about their partners’ security performance as well as the ability to benchmark themselves against their peers. Join our conversation to discover how objective Security Ratings can provide the necessary visibility to better manage vendor risk and learn how CISOs can implement appropriate security benchmarking strategies to support business goals.
The Missing Link: Integrating Defenses for Web, Email and Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

Bobby Dominguez
Chief Information Risk Officer, SVP
PNC Bank
Due to increasingly complex attack and evasion techniques being used by sophisticated hackers, organizations need to have a dynamic approach to security. Successful security teams realize they need real-time, unified, contextual defenses in order to protect against emerging threats and remain effective in data loss prevention efforts. Join our conversation to examine the link between web security, email security and DLP and discuss why advanced, comprehensive, integrated and real-time security solutions and technologies have become necessary to protecting your organization from cybercriminal activity.
Real Life War Games: Avoiding the High-profile Mega Breach

5:30pm - 8:30pm
Ruth's Chris Steak House
Embassy Suites Buckhead
3285 Peachtree Road NE
Atlanta, GA 30305

Kathy Lamb
IT Business Partner
In 1983, the idea of hacking into a computer system was science fiction, but today it is a terrifying – almost daily – reality. Almost 500 security breaches have been reported during 2014 alone, several of which have been high-profile, significant incidents compromising the private data of millions of people, costing millions of dollars, consuming excessive amounts of time to remediate and in some cases destroying careers. From malware to Heartbleed to outdated security practices, malicious hackers wait to exploit your smallest vulnerability – who will be next? Join our conversation to dive deep into the mega breach, discuss what it could mean for your company and learn how making security a priority at every level can protect you from becoming the next victim.
ISE® Northeast Executive Forum and Awards 2014

The ISE® Northeast Executive Forum and Awards 2014 were held on October 9, 2014 at the Westin Times Square in New York City, NY. The ISE® Northeast Awards are held in conjunction with a one day Executive Forum which includes keynote speakers, interactive roundtables moderated by the CISOs and VPs of participating companies, and hot topic panel discussions. The one day program offers the opportunity to meet with peers and leading IT executives from across the region to discuss and share insights into today's issues and solutions. Details
Big Security – Are Enterprise Networks Too Complex to Secure Sufficiently

Joe Bernik
Promontory Financial
The cyberspace environment is extremely dynamic with new vulnerabilities and threats emerging daily. The growing complexity of enterprise networks in a global economy compounds the challenge for security leaders, who must develop and employ various offensive and defensive strategies to defend the enterprise and minimize risks while maximizing the value of their investments. Join our discussion to learn how your peers are addressing the growing complexity of enterprise-wide network security, and share your own insights on protecting your enterprise in the evolving threat landscape.
The Missing Link: Integrating Defenses for Web, Email and Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

Dave Summitt
Chief Information Security Officer
UAB Health System
Due to increasingly complex attack and evasion techniques being used by sophisticated hackers, organizations need to have a dynamic approach to security. Successful security teams realize they need real-time, unified, contextual defenses in order to protect against emerging threats and remain effective in data loss prevention efforts. Join our conversation to examine the link between web security, email security and DLP and discuss why advanced, comprehensive, integrated and real-time security solutions and technologies have become necessary to protecting your organization from cybercriminal activity.
Risky Business – Why DLP Should be Fundamental to Your Security Strategy

5:30pm - 8:30pm
The Palm Restaurant
Westin Buckhead Hotel
3391 Peachtree Rd NE
Atlanta, GA 30326

Tim Callahan
Chief Information Security Officer
Aflac Incorporated
ISE® Northeast People's Choice Award Winner 2009, ISE® North America Executive Award Finalist 2009, ISE® Northeast Executive Award Finalist 2009, ISE® Northeast Executive Award Finalist 2007, ISE® Southeast People's Choice Award Winner 2006, ISE® Southeast Executive Award Finalist 2006
T.E.N. Success Story
Innovations in mobile and cloud technology enable efficiency and connectivity like never before, but embracing these new tools without strategy is risky business. Greater access from more endpoints means employees create additional vectors for threats to infiltrate the corporate network and for crucial data to be stolen. Without data Loss prevention technology and tactics embedded at the core of their organization’s security strategy, CISOs put the organization at risk for crippling breaches and substantial remediation costs. Join the conversation to learn why DLP should be fundamental to your security strategy and learn best practices to improve visibility into your enterprise’s data loss risk, deliver measurable risk reduction, and stay ahead of emerging threats and new technologies.
Real-time Answers; Real-time Action: Your Solution to Better Incident Response

5:30pm - 8:30pm
Morton’s The Steakhouse
618 Church Street
Nashville, TN 37219

Paul Connelly
Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer
Hospital Corporation of America (HCA)
ISE® North America Executive Award Winner 2009
Modern malware and advanced persistent threats are capable of exfiltrating massive amounts of data in minutes and moving silently throughout an enterprise environment. Attacks will compromise sensitive information, cause business critical system outages and cost organizations a substantial amount of time and money if incident response teams cannot take corrective action swiftly. The challenge is most organizations lack a true “real-time” view of the enterprise with visibility into unmanaged assets as well corporate as devices that are both on and off your network. Additionally, relying on information that is days or even weeks old makes it impossible to find the answers you need to take immediate action. Join our conversation to discuss how instant access to complete, real-time data can transform your incident response strategy by enabling your team to ask questions, get immediate, current and real-time answers and take instant action to remediate while the incident is still occurring.
ISE® PRIVATE DINNER: Virtualization and the Cloud - Security as an Enabler

Rich Mason
Vice President & Chief Security Officer
Honeywell International
Interest in private and hybrid cloud adoption is surging because clouds offer large operational and financial benefits. By sharing application, computer, and network resources in a virtualized environment, business units and cloud service providers can boost IT speed and efficiency, business agility, resource utilization, and profitability. Although there are no questions about the benefits, there is significant debate about the potential risk regarding protection of key assets and data, admin access, multitenancy risk, visibility loss, and compliance. Join our conversation to discuss the role of security as enabler in both public and private cloud adoption, and learn best practices for mitigating risk and effectively addressing the new security challenges created by virtualized environments.
Risky Business – Why DLP Should be Fundamental to Your Security Strategy

5:30pm - 8:30pm
Ruth’s Chris Steak House
920 2nd Ave Suite 100
Minneapolis, MN 55402

Joe Dufresne
Data Privacy Officer
Allianz Life
Innovations in mobile and cloud technology enable efficiency and connectivity like never before, but embracing these new tools without strategy is risky business. Greater access from more endpoints means employees create additional vectors for threats to infiltrate the corporate network and for crucial data to be stolen. Without data Loss prevention technology and tactics embedded at the core of their organization’s security strategy, CISOs put the organization at risk for crippling breaches and substantial remediation costs. Join the conversation to learn why DLP should be fundamental to your security strategy and learn best practices to improve visibility into your enterprise’s data loss risk, deliver measurable risk reduction, and stay ahead of emerging threats and new technologies.
Risky Business – Why DLP Should be Fundamental to Your Security Strategy

Patrick Sullivan
Chief Information Security Officer
GE Oil & Gas
Innovations in mobile and cloud technology enable efficiency and connectivity like never before, but embracing these new tools without strategy is risky business. Greater access from more endpoints means employees create additional vectors for threats to infiltrate the corporate network and for crucial data to be stolen. Without data Loss prevention technology and tactics embedded at the core of their organization’s security strategy, CISOs put the organization at risk for crippling breaches and substantial remediation costs. Join the conversation to learn why DLP should be fundamental to your security strategy and learn best practices to improve visibility into your enterprise’s data loss risk, deliver measurable risk reduction, and stay ahead of emerging threats and new technologies.
Securing Your Data Across Channels: Strategies for Outpacing Zero Day Threats and Sophisticated Hackers

Pete Chronis
Chief Security Officer
Atlanta, GA
Mobile, social, and cloud technologies enable an organization’s efficiency and productivity, and can often provide competitive and brand differentiation. However, the widespread adoption of these services often results in an environment where free flowing data quickly outpaces an organization’s ability to proactively defend against imminent and emerging security threats. Join our conversation to explore best practices for multi-channel data breach prevention and implementation of real-time, unified security and data theft defenses to outpace Zero Day threats and sophisticated hackers.
Risky Business – Why DLP Should be Fundamental to Your Security Strategy

5:30pm - 8:30pm
Coach Insignia
100 Renaissance Center - Floor 72
Detroit, MI 48243

Eric Litt
Chief Information Officer - OnStar
General Motors
ISE® Central People’s Choice Award Winner 2006
ISE®/CSI North America Members' Choice Award Winner 2006
ISE® North America Executive Award Finalist 2006
ISE® Central Executive Award Finalist 2006
Innovations in mobile and cloud technology enable efficiency and connectivity like never before, but embracing these new tools without strategy is risky business. Greater access from more endpoints means employees create additional vectors for threats to infiltrate the corporate network and for crucial data to be stolen. Without data Loss prevention technology and tactics embedded at the core of their organization’s security strategy, CISOs put the organization at risk for crippling breaches and substantial remediation costs. Join the conversation to learn why DLP should be fundamental to your security strategy and learn best practices to improve visibility into your enterprise’s data loss risk, deliver measurable risk reduction, and stay ahead of emerging threats and new technologies.
Risky Business – Why DLP Should be Fundamental to Your Security Strategy

5:30pm - 8:30pm
Ruth’s Chris Steak House
1601 Van Ness Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94109

Rich Jackson
Senior Advisor to the CIO for Cyber Security
Chevron Corporation
ISE® Luminary Leadership Award Winner 2011
ISE® North America Executive Award Finalist 2006
Innovations in mobile and cloud technology enable efficiency and connectivity like never before, but embracing these new tools without strategy is risky business. Greater access from more endpoints means employees create additional vectors for threats to infiltrate the corporate network and for crucial data to be stolen. Without data Loss prevention technology and tactics embedded at the core of their organization’s security strategy, CISOs put the organization at risk for crippling breaches and substantial remediation costs. Join the conversation to learn why DLP should be fundamental to your security strategy and learn best practices to improve visibility into your enterprise’s data loss risk, deliver measurable risk reduction, and stay ahead of emerging threats and new technologies.
ISE® VIP Reception and CISO Panel Discussion

6:45 pm – 7:45 pm
City Club of Buckhead
Atlanta, GA
Despite organizations best efforts to improve their overall security posture, threats are emerging and evolving at an alarming rate. Security teams are struggling to stay ahead of today’s threats while anticipating tomorrow’s as well. Effective information security programs are built on a foundation that includes people, processes and technology. They also depend on the buy-in and support of executive level management. Without the necessary capital that only management can provide, the security program is useless. Considerations need to be made in determining the appropriate level of funding required, and where to allocate it. This discussion will examine and prioritize the technologies, infrastructure needs, personnel issues and security initiatives that should make up a CISO’s ideal investment agenda.
Risky Business – Why DLP Should be Fundamental to Your Security Strategy

Ramesh Sepehrrad
VP of National Governance, Risk and Compliance
Innovations in mobile and cloud technology enable efficiency and connectivity like never before, but embracing these new tools without strategy is risky business. Greater access from more endpoints means employees create additional vectors for threats to infiltrate the corporate network and for crucial data to be stolen. Without data Loss prevention technology and tactics embedded at the core of their organization’s security strategy, CISOs put the organization at risk for crippling breaches and substantial remediation costs. Join the conversation to learn why DLP should be fundamental to your security strategy and learn best practices to improve visibility into your enterprise’s data loss risk, deliver measurable risk reduction, and stay ahead of emerging threats and new technologies.
Governance, Compliance & Collaboration: Succeeding in a Complex Market

Yabing Wang
Chief Security Architect, Enterprise Technology & Architecture Services
Allstate Insurance Company
The compliance and technology landscape has changed dramatically since 2008 for systematically important financial institutions (SIFIs). Regulators are increasing scrutiny and fines (SEC OCIE and FRB BS&R) and internal policies and controls, particularly in relation to data, have posed debilitating for communication and collaboration needs. From simple document sharing to surveillance and monitoring, corporations struggle to maintain efficiency without compromising security and control. Join us for a discussion with your peers to address the biggest challenges your organization is facing. We’ll address these challenges and discuss best practices for meeting industry requirements while ensuring secure collaboration in the complex marketplace.
Governance, Compliance & Collaboration: Succeeding in a Complex Market

Gideon Rasmussen
Risk Control Officer
Bank of America
The compliance and technology landscape has changed dramatically since 2008 for systematically important financial institutions (SIFIs). Regulators are increasing scrutiny and fines (SEC OCIE and FRB BS&R) and internal policies and controls, particularly in relation to data, have posed debilitating for communication and collaboration needs. From simple document sharing to surveillance and monitoring, corporations struggle to maintain efficiency without compromising security and control. Join us for a discussion with your peers to address the biggest challenges your organization is facing. We’ll address these challenges and discuss best practices for meeting industry requirements while ensuring secure collaboration in the complex marketplace.
ISE® VIP RECEPTION: Creating a Security Organization that is Adaptable to Change

7pm - 10pm
The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas
Chandelier Room
3708 Las Vegas Blvd. South
Las Vegas, NV 89109
Join our ISE® Alumni Hosts for this engaging reception and networking opportunity as we address the best methods to structure the various aspects of security within your organization — especially in times of change.
The ISE® Lions' Den and Jungle Lounge

3:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Vdara Hotel & Spa at Aria Las Vegas
This summer TEN of security’s hottest emerging security companies have the courage to enter… The ISE® Lions' Den. The ISE® Lions represent the brightest minds in security and they are hungry for emerging technology solutions to implement within their enterprises. Inside the den, each Gazelle will deliver their best pitch for the chance to earn the top award of more than 10,000 in prizes. Running concurrently, the Jungle Lounge will offer you an opportunity to learn more about these emerging companies and network with a diverse group of security executives, investors and other key members of the information security community.
ISE® West Executive Forum and Awards 2014

The ISE® West Executive Forum and Awards 2014 will be held on July 30, 2014 at the Westin St. Francis in San Francisco, CA. The ISE® West Awards are held in conjunction with a one day Executive Forum which includes keynote speakers, interactive roundtables moderated by the CISOs and VPs of participating companies, and hot topic panel discussions. The one day program offers the opportunity to meet with peers and leading IT executives from across the region to discuss and share insights into today's issues and solutions. Details
ISE® West Private Welcome Dinner:
Big Security – Are Enterprise Networks Too Complex to Secure Sufficiently

Matthew Archibald
Vice President, Information Security
Silver Spring Networks
ISE® West Award Executive Finalist 2010
The cyberspace environment is extremely dynamic with new vulnerabilities and threats emerging daily. The growing complexity of enterprise networks in a global economy compounds the challenge for security leaders, who must develop and employ various offensive and defensive strategies to defend the enterprise and minimize risks while maximizing the value of their investments. Join our discussion to learn how your peers are addressing the growing complexity of enterprise-wide network security, and share your own insights on protecting your enterprise in the evolving threat landscape.
ISE® PRIVATE DINNER: Aligning Vulnerability and Privilege Management in the Context of Business Risk

Bernie Cowens
Vice President & Chief Information Security Officer
First American
Despite gigantic investments in IT security, many organizations still struggle to identify real, critical risks buried within massive amounts of data. CISOs need new strategies for assessing, prioritizing and addressing both internal and external risks in business context. Join our conversation to discuss how aligning vulnerability management and privilege management programs can shed new light on risk in terms of compliance, asset integrity, data confidentiality, and other unique business requirements, while enabling IT and security teams to efficiently collaborate on risk reduction efforts enterprise-wide.
ISE® PRIVATE DINNER: Aligning Vulnerability and Privilege Management in the Context of Business Risk

Vaughn Hazen
Director IT Security, CISO
Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold
Despite gigantic investments in IT security, many organizations still struggle to identify real, critical risks buried within massive amounts of data. CISOs need new strategies for assessing, prioritizing and addressing both internal and external risks in business context. Join our conversation to discuss how aligning vulnerability management and privilege management programs can shed new light on risk in terms of compliance, asset integrity, data confidentiality, and other unique business requirements, while enabling IT and security teams to efficiently collaborate on risk reduction efforts enterprise-wide.
ISE® PRIVATE DINNER: Virtualization and the Cloud - Security as an Enabler

5:30pm - 8:30pm
Del Frisco’s Double Eagle Steakhouse
Located near the Galleria on the Tollway
5251 Spring Valley Road
Dallas, TX 75254

John R. South
Chief Security Officer
Heartland Payment Systems
ISE® Central Executive Award Winner 2011
ISE® of the Decade Central Award Winner 2012
ISE® North America Executive Award Finalist 2011
T.E.N. Success Story
Interest in private and hybrid cloud adoption is surging because clouds offer large operational and financial benefits. By sharing application, computer, and network resources in a virtualized environment, business units and cloud service providers can boost IT speed and efficiency, business agility, resource utilization, and profitability. Although there are no questions about the benefits, there is significant debate about the potential risk regarding protection of key assets and data, admin access, multitenancy risk, visibility loss, and compliance. Join our conversation to discuss the role of security as enabler in both public and private cloud adoption, and learn best practices for mitigating risk and effectively addressing the new security challenges created by virtualized environments.
ISE® PRIVATE DINNER: Virtualization and the Cloud - Security as an Enabler

Greg Thompson
Vice President, Information Security
Interest in private and hybrid cloud adoption is surging because clouds offer large operational and financial benefits. By sharing application, computer, and network resources in a virtualized environment, business units and cloud service providers can boost IT speed and efficiency, business agility, resource utilization, and profitability. Although there are no questions about the benefits, there is significant debate about the potential risk regarding protection of key assets and data, admin access, multitenancy risk, visibility loss, and compliance. Join our conversation to discuss the role of security as enabler in both public and private cloud adoption, and learn best practices for mitigating risk and effectively addressing the new security challenges created by virtualized environments.
WEB CONFERENCE: Avoid Fines & Make Sales
What you need to know about Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL)

July 15, 2014
2pm - 3pm EST

Adam Kardash
Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP

Della Shea
Chief Privacy and Information Risk Officer
Symcor, Inc.
ISE® Canada Executive Award Winner 2013
On July 1, 2014, Canada is shutting the door on unsolicited commercial electronic messages with new anti-spam legislation that will affect you. Stringent standards with very few exemptions will require implied or direct consent and violations could cost your company millions. Join our discussion to learn from our legal expert more about the risks you will take with outbound marketing programs, and hear first hand from one of Canada’s leading security executives why face-to-face networking events have become the most effective way to form the relationships that lead to sales.
ISE® PRIVATE DINNER: Aligning Vulnerability and Privilege Management in the Context of Business Risk

Neil Storey
Sr. Business Leader - Global Information Security
Despite gigantic investments in IT security, many organizations still struggle to identify real, critical risks buried within massive amounts of data. CISOs need new strategies for assessing, prioritizing and addressing both internal and external risks in business context. Join our conversation to discuss how aligning vulnerability management and privilege management programs can shed new light on risk in terms of compliance, asset integrity, data confidentiality, and other unique business requirements, while enabling IT and security teams to efficiently collaborate on risk reduction efforts enterprise-wide.
The Missing Link: Integrating Defenses for Web, Email and Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

5:30pm - 8:30pm
Del Frisco’s Double Eagle Steak House
4725 Piedmont Row Dr. #170
Charlotte, NC 28210

Scott Frost
Chief Information Security Officer
Due to increasingly complex attack and evasion techniques being used by sophisticated hackers, organizations need to have a dynamic approach to security. Successful security teams realize they need real-time, unified, contextual defenses in order to protect against emerging threats and remain effective in data loss prevention efforts. Join our conversation to examine the link between web security, email security and DLP and discuss why advanced, comprehensive, integrated and real-time security solutions and technologies have become necessary to protecting your organization from cybercriminal activity.
ISE® PRIVATE DINNER: Using Security Intelligence for a Competitive Advantage

John Christly
Chief Information Security Officer, Executive Director, HIPAA Security Officer
Nova Southeastern University
Harnessing the power of analytics is nothing new for today’s enterprise IT organizations. The same practices can be put to work for security — analyzing vast quantities of data to find the types of clues and irregularities that could signal an attack. This approach to security analytics is becoming a central aspect of enterprise security as organizations learn they must extend far beyond the traditional perimeter approach to gain complete visibility across the IT infrastructure in order to detect and disrupt attacks. Join the conversation to learn more about this shifting approach to security and why mining Big Data for clues to enable enterprise security action can give you a competitive advantage.
ISE® PRIVATE DINNER: Virtualization and the Cloud - Security as an Enabler

Vas Rajan
Managing Director & Chief Information Security Officer
CLS Bank International
Interest in private and hybrid cloud adoption is surging because clouds offer large operational and financial benefits. By sharing application, computer, and network resources in a virtualized environment, business units and cloud service providers can boost IT speed and efficiency, business agility, resource utilization, and profitability. Although there are no questions about the benefits, there is significant debate about the potential risk regarding protection of key assets and data, admin access, multitenancy risk, visibility loss, and compliance. Join our conversation to discuss the role of security as enabler in both public and private cloud adoption, and learn best practices for mitigating risk and effectively addressing the new security challenges created by virtualized environments.
ISE® Central Executive Forum and Awards 2014

The ISE® Central Executive Forum and Awards 2014 was held on June 11, 2014 at the Sheraton Hotel in Dallas, TX. The ISE® Central Awards are held in conjunction with a one day Executive Forum which includes keynote speakers, interactive roundtables moderated by the CISOs and VPs of participating companies, and hot topic panel discussions. The one day program offers the opportunity to meet with peers and leading IT executives from across the region to discuss and share insights into today's issues and solutions. Details
ISE® Central Private Welcome Dinner:
Big Security – Are Enterprise Networks Too Complex to Secure Sufficiently

Brian Wrozek
Chief Security Officer
Alliance Data Systems
ISE® Central Executive Award Winner 2008
T.E.N. Success Story
The cyberspace environment is extremely dynamic with new vulnerabilities and threats emerging daily. The growing complexity of enterprise networks in a global economy compounds the challenge for security leaders, who must develop and employ various offensive and defensive strategies to defend the enterprise and minimize risks while maximizing the value of their investments. Join our discussion to learn how your peers are addressing the growing complexity of enterprise-wide network security, and share your own insights on protecting your enterprise in the evolving threat landscape.
ISE® PRIVATE DINNER: The Missing Link: Integrating Defenses for Web, Email and Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

Michelle Stewart
Senior Director of IT Security and Governance
The American Cancer Society
Due to increasingly complex attack and evasion techniques being used by sophisticated hackers, organizations need to have a dynamic approach to security. Successful security teams realize they need real-time, unified, contextual defenses in order to protect against emerging threats and remain effective in data loss prevention efforts. Join our conversation to examine the link between web security, email security and DLP and discuss why advanced, comprehensive, integrated and real-time security solutions and technologies have become necessary to protecting your organization from cybercriminal activity.
VIRTUAL TRAINING: Your Guide Through the SWAMP: Avoiding Predators in a Murky World

2-3 p.m. EST

Miron Livny, Ph.D.
Director and Chief Technology Officer
Software Assurance Marketplace

Arthur Hicken
Parasoft Corporation
Software has become an essential component of our nation’s critical infrastructure, growing in size, capability and complexity at a rate that exceeds our ability to keep pace with assuring its quality. As development teams quickly generate new code to meet their organization’s demands, individuals and groups with malicious intent lurk, waiting for the opportunity to exploit software vulnerabilities, which disrupt business continuity, compromise assets and create significant financial burdens. The Software Assurance Marketplace enables developers to build in solid assurance and security practices early and throughout the SDLC, dramatically reducing vulnerabilities and risk. Join us to tour the SWAMP and learn how to gain free and unfettered access to the capabilities necessary to effectively identify and resolve software defects and ultimately build a stronger software assurance program. Knowledgebase Event Listing
SWAMP is funded by Department of Homeland Security, Science and Technology Directorate, Cyber Security Division (CSD)
ISE® PRIVATE DINNER: Using Security Intelligence for a Competitive Advantage

Steven Jensen
VP and Chief Information Security Officer
Ameriprise Financial
ISE® North America Commercial Executive Award Finalist 2013
Harnessing the power of analytics is nothing new for today’s enterprise IT organizations. The same practices can be put to work for security — analyzing vast quantities of data to find the types of clues and irregularities that could signal an attack. This approach to security analytics is becoming a central aspect of enterprise security as organizations learn they must extend far beyond the traditional perimeter approach to gain complete visibility across the IT infrastructure in order to detect and disrupt attacks. Join the conversation to learn more about this shifting approach to security and why mining Big Data for clues to enable enterprise security action can give you a competitive advantage.
ISE® PRIVATE DINNER: Using Security Intelligence for a Competitive Advantage

5:30pm - 8:30pm
Del Frisco’s Double Eagle Steak House
1426-28 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102

Todd Bearman
Chief Information Security Officer
Tower Watson
Harnessing the power of analytics is nothing new for today’s enterprise IT organizations. The same practices can be put to work for security — analyzing vast quantities of data to find the types of clues and irregularities that could signal an attack. This approach to security analytics is becoming a central aspect of enterprise security as organizations learn they must extend far beyond the traditional perimeter approach to gain complete visibility across the IT infrastructure in order to detect and disrupt attacks. Join the conversation to learn more about this shifting approach to security and why mining Big Data for clues to enable enterprise security action can give you a competitive advantage.
ISE® PRIVATE DINNER: Securing the Supply Chain: Challenges and Best Practices for Mitigating Third-Party Risk,

Chris Wysopal
Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer
When sources revealed that the infamous Target breach was a result of supply chain vulnerabilities, the impact was felt industry wide, leaving many asking an important question — who takes responsibility for the security of third-party vendors? New PCI Data Security Standards hold businesses and organizations accountable, but vast and rapidly expanding web perimeters create immense challenges for a CISO, who must manage the maze of web assets and third-party solutions with fixed resources and funding. Join our conversation to discuss the biggest challenges and best practices for mitigating third-party risk and learn how to build an effective program to secure your entire application infrastructure.
ISE® PRIVATE DINNER: Using Security Intelligence for a Competitive Advantage

Larry Brock
Former Chief Information Security Officer
ISE® Luminary Leadership Award Winner 2009
ISE® North America Commercial Executive Award Finalist 2008
Harnessing the power of analytics is nothing new for today’s enterprise IT organizations. The same practices can be put to work for security — analyzing vast quantities of data to find the types of clues and irregularities that could signal an attack. This approach to security analytics is becoming a central aspect of enterprise security as organizations learn they must extend far beyond the traditional perimeter approach to gain complete visibility across the IT infrastructure in order to detect and disrupt attacks. Join the conversation to learn more about this shifting approach to security and why mining Big Data for clues to enable enterprise security action can give you a competitive advantage.
ISE® PRIVATE DINNER: Risky Business – Why DLP Should be Fundamental to Your Security Strategy

David Gochenaur
Director of Global Information Security
Innovations in mobile and cloud technology enable efficiency and connectivity like never before, but embracing these new tools without strategy is risky business. Greater access from more endpoints means employees create additional vectors for threats to infiltrate the corporate network and for crucial data to be stolen. Without data Loss prevention technology and tactics embedded at the core of their organization’s security strategy, CISOs put the organization at risk for crippling breaches and substantial remediation costs. Join the conversation to learn why DLP should be fundamental to your security strategy and learn best practices to improve visibility into your enterprise’s data loss risk, deliver measurable risk reduction, and stay ahead of emerging threats and new technologies.
ISE® PRIVATE DINNER: Using Security Intelligence for a Competitive Advantage

5:30pm - 8:30pm
Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar
210 E. Trade St.
Charlotte, NC 28202

Prentis Brooks
Director, Information Security
Time Warner Cable
Harnessing the power of analytics is nothing new for today’s enterprise IT organizations. The same practices can be put to work for security — analyzing vast quantities of data to find the types of clues and irregularities that could signal an attack. This approach to security analytics is becoming a central aspect of enterprise security as organizations learn they must extend far beyond the traditional perimeter approach to gain complete visibility across the IT infrastructure in order to detect and disrupt attacks. Join the conversation to learn more about this shifting approach to security and why mining Big Data for clues to enable enterprise security action can give you a competitive advantage.
The Information Security Iceberg: Demonstrating the True Value of Data Privacy and Security

5:30pm - 8:30pm
Absinthe Brasserie & Bar
398 Hayes St at Gough
San Francisco, CA 94102

Jonathan Rosenoer
Senior Vice President, Head of Operational Risk
Bank of the West
Major breaches proliferating across media have elevated information security as a top-of-mind issue for many business leaders, but have we fully uncovered the true value of data privacy and security — or is this the tip of the iceberg? Join us for a candid discussion with your peers as we analyze the legal ramifications and punitive damages of data and security breaches, calculate the impact of cyber risk from a liability and cost perspective and explore real-world challenges in protecting information.
ISE® PRIVATE DINNER: Putting Vulnerability and Risk Information in the Context of Business

Joe Bennett
Tucker, GA
Vulnerability management technologies are an essential component of risk reduction for security-conscious organizations worldwide. However, high volumes of rigid data and static reports are problematic for security leaders struggling to protect their organizations, achieve compliance, deploy resources and communicate risk across the enterprise. Discussion will focus on delivering the right information, defining the business context of your assets, and prioritizing the people, processes and technology needed to both mitigate security exposures and measure efficacy of your vulnerability management program over time.
ISE® PRIVATE DINNER: The Missing Link: Integrating Defenses for Web, Email and Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

Bill Dieringer
Former AVP, CISO
Ardent Health Services
Due to increasingly complex attack and evasion techniques being used by sophisticated hackers, organizations need to have a dynamic approach to security. Successful security teams realize they need real-time, unified, contextual defenses in order to protect against emerging threats and remain effective in data loss prevention efforts. Join our conversation to examine the link between web security, email security and DLP and discuss why advanced, comprehensive, integrated and real-time security solutions and technologies have become necessary to protecting your organization from cybercriminal activity.
ISE® PRIVATE DINNER: Governance, Compliance & Collaboration: Succeeding in a Complex Market

Robert Mazzocchi
Vice President and CISO
The compliance and technology landscape has changed dramatically since 2008 for systematically important financial institutions (SIFIs). Regulators are increasing scrutiny and fines (SEC OCIE and FRB BS&R) and internal policies and controls, particularly in relation to data, have posed debilitating for communication and collaboration needs. From simple document sharing to surveillance and monitoring, corporations struggle to maintain efficiency without compromising security and control. Join us for a discussion with your peers to address the biggest challenges your organization is facing. We’ll address these challenges and discuss best practices for meeting industry requirements while ensuring secure collaboration in the complex marketplace.
ISE® PRIVATE DINNER: Is Your Biggest Threat Already Inside Your Network?

Shelbi Rombout
Cybersecurity Partnership Executive
U.S. Bank
Although the NSA leaks by Edward Snowden will likely be remembered as one of the most significant breaches in history, the basic scenario — an insider exposing and exploiting sensitive data to outsiders (whether intentional or accidental) — is becoming increasingly common. As more companies migrate massive amounts of data into cloud and virtualization environments, the risk increases exponentially. Forrester research reports that insider threats have emerged as the leading cause of data breaches, which leaves CISOs around the world facing an alarming question: “Is your biggest threat already inside your network?” Many organizations assume the answer is yes and are transitioning from a traditional perimeter approach to an “inside-out” model of security with fine grained access controls and role-based monitoring. Join our conversation to discuss this new approach and learn strategies for preparing, preventing, detecting and responding to insider threats in order to better protect enterprise data.
ISE® PRIVATE DINNER: Putting Vulnerability and Risk Information in the Context of Business

5:30pm - 8:30pm
Del Frisco’s Double Eagle Steak House
1426-28 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102

Cathy Beech
Chief Information Security Officer
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Vulnerability management technologies are an essential component of risk reduction for security-conscious organizations worldwide. However, high volumes of rigid data and static reports are problematic for security leaders struggling to protect their organizations, achieve compliance, deploy resources and communicate risk across the enterprise. Discussion will focus on delivering the right information, defining the business context of your assets, and prioritizing the people, processes and technology needed to both mitigate security exposures and measure efficacy of your vulnerability management program over time.
ISE® PRIVATE DINNER: Is Your Biggest Threat Already Inside Your Network?

5:30pm - 8:30pm
Fleming’s Prime Steakhouse & Wine Bar
25 East Ohio Street
Chicago, IL 60611

Jason Witty
Senior Vice President,
Chief Information Security Officer
U.S. Bancorp
Naperville, IL
ISE® Central People's Choice Award Winner 2014
ISE® North America People's Choice Award Winner 2014
The continuously unfolding story of the Edward Snowden leaks is becoming one of the most significant events in U.S. history. Although this situation is extreme, the basic scenario — an insider exposing and exploiting sensitive data to outsiders (whether intentional or accidental) — is becoming increasingly common. As more companies migrate massive amounts of data into cloud and virtualization environments, the risk increases exponentially. Forrester research reports that insider threats have emerged as the leading cause of data breaches, which leaves CISOs around the world facing an alarming question: “Is your biggest threat already inside your network?” Many organizations assume the answer is yes and are transitioning from a traditional perimeter approach to an "inside-out" model of security with fine grained access controls and role-based monitoring. Join our conversation to discuss this new approach and learn strategies for preparing, preventing, detecting and responding to insider threats in order to better protect enterprise data.
ISE® PRIVATE DINNER: Putting Vulnerability and Risk Information in the Context of Business

Carl Alexander
Information Security Professional
Vulnerability management technologies are an essential component of risk reduction for security-conscious organizations worldwide. However, high volumes of rigid data and static reports are problematic for security leaders struggling to protect their organizations, achieve compliance, deploy resources and communicate risk across the enterprise. Discussion will focus on delivering the right information, defining the business context of your assets, and prioritizing the people, processes and technology needed to both mitigate security exposures and measure efficacy of your vulnerability management program over time.
ISE® PRIVATE DINNER: Using Security Intelligence for a Competitive Advantage

Brett Durfee
Manager for Security Operations and Disaster Recovery
Harnessing the power of analytics is nothing new for today’s enterprise IT organizations. The same practices can be put to work for security — analyzing vast quantities of data to find the types of clues and irregularities that could signal an attack. This approach to security analytics is becoming a central aspect of enterprise security as organizations learn they must extend far beyond the traditional perimeter approach to gain complete visibility across the IT infrastructure in order to detect and disrupt attacks. Join the conversation to learn more about this shifting approach to security and why mining Big Data for clues to enable enterprise security action can give you a competitive advantage.
ISE® PRIVATE DINNER: Putting Vulnerability and Risk Information in the Context of Business

5:30pm - 8:30pm
Chamberlain’s Fish Market Grill
4525 Belt Line Road
Addison, TX 75001

Chris Ray
Chief Information Security Officer
ISE® Southeast Executive Award Winner 2011
T.E.N. Success Story
Vulnerability management technologies are an essential component of risk reduction for security-conscious organizations worldwide. However, high volumes of rigid data and static reports are problematic for security leaders struggling to protect their organizations, achieve compliance, deploy resources and communicate risk across the enterprise. Discussion will focus on delivering the right information, defining the business context of your assets, and prioritizing the people, processes and technology needed to both mitigate security exposures and measure efficacy of your vulnerability management program over time.
ISE® PRIVATE DINNER: Is Your Biggest Threat Already Inside Your Network?

5:30pm - 8:30pm
Del Frisco’s Double Eagle Steak House
1426-28 Chestnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19102

John Kelly
Vice President, National Security Operations
The continuously unfolding story of the Edward Snowden leaks is becoming one of the most significant events in U.S. history. Although this situation is extreme, the basic scenario — an insider exposing and exploiting sensitive data to outsiders (whether intentional or accidental) — is becoming increasingly common. As more companies migrate massive amounts of data into cloud and virtualization environments, the risk increases exponentially. Forrester research reports that insider threats have emerged as the leading cause of data breaches, which leaves CISOs around the world facing an alarming question: “Is your biggest threat already inside your network?” Many organizations assume the answer is yes and are transitioning from a traditional perimeter approach to an "inside-out" model of security with fine grained access controls and role-based monitoring. Join our conversation to discuss this new approach and learn strategies for preparing, preventing, detecting and responding to insider threats in order to better protect enterprise data.
ISE® Southeast Executive Forum and Awards 2014

The ISE® Southeast Executive Forum and Awards 2014 will be held on March 11, 2014 at the Westin Buckhead Hotel in Atlanta, GA. The ISE® Southeast Awards are held in conjunction with a one day Executive Forum which includes keynote speakers, interactive roundtables moderated by the CISOs and VPs of participating companies, and hot topic panel discussions. The one day program offers the opportunity to meet with peers and leading IT executives from across the region to discuss and share insights into today's issues and solutions. Details
ISE® PRIVATE DINNER: Big Security – Are Enterprise Networks Too Complex to Secure Sufficiently

5:30pm - 8:30pm
The Palm Restaurant
Westin Buckhead Hotel
3391 Peachtree Road
Atlanta, GA 30326
Wait List Request

Robert Mims
Chief Information Security Officer
AGL Resources
Atlanta, GA
ISE® Southeast People's Choice Award Winner 2014
The cyberspace environment is extremely dynamic with new vulnerabilities and threats emerging daily. The growing complexity of enterprise networks in a global economy compounds the challenge for security leaders, who must develop and employ various offensive and defensive strategies to defend the enterprise and minimize risks while maximizing the value of their investments. Join our discussion to learn how your peers are addressing the growing complexity of enterprise-wide network security, and share your own insights on protecting your enterprise in the evolving threat landscape.
ISE® PRIVATE DINNER: Is Your Biggest Threat Already Inside Your Network?

Donna Nemecek
VP, Manager Technology Risk Assurance & Senior Information Risk Officer
BNY Mellon
ISE® Northeast Executive Award Finalist 2013
The continuously unfolding story of the Edward Snowden leaks is becoming one of the most significant events in U.S. history. Although this situation is extreme, the basic scenario — an insider exposing and exploiting sensitive data to outsiders (whether intentional or accidental) — is becoming increasingly common. As more companies migrate massive amounts of data into cloud and virtualization environments, the risk increases exponentially. Forrester research reports that insider threats have emerged as the leading cause of data breaches, which leaves CISOs around the world facing an alarming question: “Is your biggest threat already inside your network?” Many organizations assume the answer is yes and are transitioning from a traditional perimeter approach to an "inside-out" model of security with fine grained access controls and role-based monitoring. Join our conversation to discuss this new approach and learn strategies for preparing, preventing, detecting and responding to insider threats in order to better protect enterprise data.
ISE® PRIVATE DINNER: Speed & Security – Why CISOs Want an Agile SDLC

Trent Fox
Technology Risk Management
Kaiser Permanente IT
Regardless of industry, size or purpose, more companies and organizations rely on the World Wide Web for transactions and customer engagement than ever before. However, conducting business online requires a fast-paced development process and high demand for services allows minimal downtime for updates and patching. Security must be built into the SDLC from the beginning. Join our conversation to examine why CISOs and their teams are shifting to a more agile development process and discuss why embedding security early and throughout the SDLC can prevent severe, costly consequences down the road.
ISE® VIP Programs at RSA 2014

Once again, T.E.N. via the ISE® VIP Programs will proudly be at the RSA® Conference 2014 with opportunities for you to meet with your executive peers from a cross-section of industries from across the country. Hosted by ISE® Alumni and sponsored by leading security solution providers, the ISE® VIP Programs are exclusive invitation-only programs that offer a unique opportunity to connect, collaborate and celebrate with leading IT and Information Security Executives® throughout the RSA® Conference 2014.
ISE® VIP Programs include a special breakfast, luminary luncheons, and exclusive VIP receptions in evenings. As our ISE® VIP Programs have been oversubscribed in previous years due to limited availability, we recommend that you register for these programs early. Details
Tenable Executive Retreat Napa 2014

Tenable's top customers are invited for a weekend in beautiful Napa Valley where they will interact leading industry experts, and policy makers to discuss key security issues. In a relaxed setting, we will follow an organized agenda focused on moving beyond discussions of 'information sharing' in order to strengthen the security industry as a whole. Speakers and panelists will engage with 50 Tenable customer CSOs to discuss how government, enterprises, their boards of directors, executive management and technologists are responding, where there are successes, and where help is needed. Details
ISE® PRIVATE DINNER: Advancing Mobile Security to the Next Level

Laz Lazarikos
IT Security Strategist and Former CISO
Sears Online Business Unit
In this fast-paced world, mobility is no longer optional; it is an essential component of business. Mobile applications drive productivity, but technology advancements and functionality improvements — often using sensitive information — bring new threats and increased vulnerability. The many hot button topics of mobile security have been discussed in industry circles for years, but the evolving threat landscape calls for security teams to dive deeper and be proactive in order to protect their mobile assets. Join this conversation to examine publicly known mobile security events, discuss emerging trends, and learn strategies that will advance your mobile security efforts to the next level.
ISE® PRIVATE DINNER: Speed & Security – Why CISOs Want an Agile SDLC

5:30pm - 8:30pm
Del Frisco’s Double Eagle Steak House
3925 Paradise Road
Las Vegas, NV 89169

William Worthington
Director of Security Operations & Engineering
Caesars Entertainment
Las Vegas, NV
ISE® West Executive Award Finalist 2014
Regardless of industry, size or purpose, more companies and organizations rely on the World Wide Web for transactions and customer engagement than ever before. However, conducting business online requires a fast-paced development process and high demand for services allows minimal downtime for updates and patching. Security must be built into the SDLC from the beginning. Join our conversation to examine why CISOs and their teams are shifting to a more agile development process and discuss why embedding security early and throughout the SDLC can prevent severe, costly consequences down the road.
ISE® PRIVATE DINNER: Is Your Biggest Threat Already Inside Your Network?

Tom Van Beek
SVP, Vendor Security Strategy, Global Information Security
Bank of America
The continuously unfolding story of the Edward Snowden leaks is becoming one of the most significant events in U.S. history. Although this situation is extreme, the basic scenario — an insider exposing and exploiting sensitive data to outsiders (whether intentional or accidental) — is becoming increasingly common. As more companies migrate massive amounts of data into cloud and virtualization environments, the risk increases exponentially. Forrester research reports that insider threats have emerged as the leading cause of data breaches, which leaves CISOs around the world facing an alarming question: “Is your biggest threat already inside your network?” Many organizations assume the answer is yes and are transitioning from a traditional perimeter approach to an "inside-out" model of security with fine grained access controls and role-based monitoring. Join our conversation to discuss this new approach and learn strategies for preparing, preventing, detecting and responding to insider threats in order to better protect enterprise data.
ISE® PRIVATE DINNER: Secrets to Achieving End-to-End Email Security

Mark Risoldi
Managing Director
JP Morgan Chase & Co.
Securing your infrastructure is essential in protecting your customers, but malicious attacks can affect users without even entering your network. The Anti-Phishing Working Group reported 72,758 phishing attacks targeting more than 700 institutions worldwide during the first half of 2013 alone. As Verizon's Data Breach Report shows, 95% of all data breaches begin with a phishing email — evidence that comprehensive ecosystem visibility, email intelligence, and real-time alerting and reporting are imperative to thwarting these attacks. Join our conversation to take a deep dive into advanced email security methodology and learn best practices to achieving end-to-end email security in order to protect your customers and enable business. Download Presentation
VIRTUAL MEETING: Good Security Starts with Software Assurance

2-3 p.m. EST

Phil Agcaoili
VP, Chief Information Security Officer
Elavon, Inc.
ISE® Central Executive Award Winner 2009
ISE® of the Decade Southeast Award Winner 2012

Patrick Beyer, Ph.D. PMP
Software Project Manager
Morgridge Institute for Research

Barton Miller, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist
Software Assurance Marketplace
Although there are innumerable benefits to living and working in a digitally connected world, there is great risk associated with vulnerabilities in the software on which we so heavily rely. Solid software assurance practices, such as building security early in the SDLC, can reduce risk, but many developers lack the tools necessary to fully employ these practices. Join this conversation to further examine the role of software assurance within the enterprise, learn which vulnerabilities are the most critical to mitigate, and discover how the Software Assurance Marketplace can provide free and unfettered access to the capabilities necessary to effectively identify and resolve software defects and ultimately build a stronger software assurance program. Watch Presentation Knowledgebase Event Listing
This event is sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security, Science & Technology, Cyber Security Division.
VIRTUAL MEETING: Shaping Your Approach - The Executive's Role in Software Assurance

2-3 p.m. EST

Jerry L. Davis
Chief Information Officer
NASA Ames Research Center
ISE® North America Government Executive Award Winner 2009

Kevin E. Greene
Software Assurance Program Manager
Department of Homeland Security, Science & Technology, Cyber Security Division

Miron Livny, Ph.D.
Director and Chief Technology Officer
Software Assurance Marketplace
Solid software assurance practices have become imperative to risk management. Although 100% secure code may be impossible to achieve, it is important that your development team has the tools and strategies necessary to identify and mitigate critical vulnerabilities before your applications are compromised. Strong software assurance and vulnerability management policies are best defined at the C-level in order to ensure high standards are implemented across all development projects. Join this conversation to take a closer look at the executive’s role in software assurance and learn how the Software Assurance Marketplace can shape your approach to building, implementing and sustaining an effective program that consistently produces and deploys resilient software. Watch Presentation Knowledgebase Event Listing
This event is sponsored by the Department of Homeland Security, Science & Technology, Cyber Security Division.
ISE® PRIVATE DINNER: Using Security Intelligence for a Competitive Advantage

Don Kleoppel
Chief Information Security Officer
DST Systems
Harnessing the power of analytics is nothing new for today’s enterprise IT organizations. The same practices can be put to work for security — analyzing vast quantities of data to find the types of clues and irregularities that could signal an attack. This approach to security analytics is becoming a central aspect of enterprise security as organizations learn they must extend far beyond the traditional perimeter approach to gain complete visibility across the IT infrastructure in order to detect and disrupt attacks. Join the conversation to learn more about this shifting approach to security and why mining Big Data for clues to enable enterprise security action can give you a competitive advantage.