The group had a bit of a free ranging discussion on mobility. They talked about the proliferation of mobile devices as essential tools for productivity in organizations. They also looked at the increased frequency of mobile attacks on these devices. The team shared stories about how they’ve dealt with mobile attacks. No one had seen in one type of mobile attack, but the issue of device theft was a major concern for people in the education industry. There’s no tools that give you the fine grain visibility for mobile devices from an attack perspective.
There was also discussion on how policies vary from country to country. The group also discussed the different types of tools they used to monitor devices. There was a lot of discussion about having some type of framework and communicating from the begging was important, especially when creating your own apps for mobile devices. The group shared their thoughts on different tools they used and what the benefits of each were.
Finally, the group discussed the topics of vulnerability and encryption. Across the table, many people said they were using encryption and making it mandatory. Some users weren’t fans of this however. Some group members shared issued they had found with apps and frameworks and how these were keeping credentials they weren’t supposed to and how they solved the problem.