Prentis Brooks is a strategic information security executive who enables the business to execute securely through appropriate spending, internal and external partnerships and developing in-house talent for success. His unique talent in information security leadership and operational excellence are supported by his strengths in absorbing information, open and forthright communication skills, and strong technical background. These strengths combine to allow Prentis to engage resources at all levels and improve understanding and achieve organizational goals. Prentis is consistently looked to for calm, clear and knowledgeable direction regarding information security practices.
Prentis’s leadership expertise stems from over 20 years of experience in information security across telecommunications, hospitality and travel industries. In his previous position as Director of Global Information Security Operations at Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd, he achieved 75% reduction in operational outages resulting from security infrastructure. In addition, he has led efforts to reduce security spending by 10% through removal of redundant technologies and enterprise licensing negotiations. He has consistently improved employee morale across his team through individual development practices and team communications. He is now the Head of Information Security, CISO, for Lincare Holdings, Inc.
Prior to joining Royal Caribbean Cruises, Ltd, Prentis was a director with Time Warner Cable. In this position, he achieved a 40% reduction in incident recovery time by improving visibility of events across the environment. Additionally, he realized a 50% reduction in time for access requests through centralization and standardization of Identity Access Management and process improvements. He obtained a 25% reduction in operational budget through cost-effective enterprise-level contract negotiations with security vendors.
Prentis earned his master’s degree in business administration of Technology from the University of Phoenix Online and his Bachelor of Science from the same school. He is a member of (ISC)2 and is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) with the Information Systems Security Management Professional (ISSMP) concentration. He also performs item writing for both certifications.