ISE® Southeast 2020

Collective Offense Calls for Collective Defense: A Reality Check for Cybersecurity Decision Makers > Download Whitepaper
Collective defense is the future of cybersecurity. As
the sophistication, frequency, and speed of cyber
attacks increase, traditional methods of defense are
falling short. Companies find themselves with too
many tools, staff shortages, and a passive rather
than proactive security approach.

Hackers have goals. Whether the goal is to steal data, earn financial rewards, manipulate information, or
cause physical destruction, attackers don’t limit themselves to a direct attack on their target victim. Instead,
they often use their imaginations and go after the digital supply chain of their targets as well. Hackers can do
this without increasing the need for technical sophistication, and without risking or compromising the success
of their campaigns.

Access Threat
Report 2019 > Download Whitepaper
The world is an uncertain place. Particularly
for cyber security professionals, many of
whom have learned the hard way that they
can’t rest on their laurels. New technologies
and fresh threats are constantly emerging,
and these threats come from both outside
and within organizations. In our 2019
privileged access threat research, we
discovered that almost two thirds of
respondents (64%) think it is likely they’ve
suffered a breach due to employee access,
while 58% say the same about vendors.

2019 DATA EXPOSURE REPORT > Download Whitepaper
Most organizations have some kind of data loss prevention strategy in place.
However, that strategy typically ignores one of the greatest threats to data:
the threat posed by employees. In today’s progressive workplaces, people and data are on the move like
never before. Job tenure is declining and people are switching jobs far more
frequently. At the same time, leaders want to empower employees to be
creative, innovative and collaborative. To do this, they are granting their
employees access to easy-to-use data-sharing platforms and mechanisms
known for speeding productivity. The challenge is, these tools perhaps make
it too easy to move data around. In a matter of seconds, valuable data can be
transferred to a private cloud or removable media and whisked out the door.

2019 Cybersecurity Trends: Security is on the move > Download Whitepaper
It’s no secret that the way people work has changed dramatically over the past few years. As highly distributed environments become the norm, security teams are scrambling to protect users, the growing number of device types they carry, and their data. Applications that previously resided on-premises are also on the move, as the volume of roaming workers continues to rise. Branch offices are adopting direct internet access, which is forcing a discussion on how to extend security to protect the edge.
With more users, devices, and applications connecting to the network, the number of risks and vulnerabilities is also increasing — triggering a total transformation in the security landscape.

Start with Attack Surface Visibility for Better Cybersecurity > Download Whitepaper
Attackers Understand Your Attack Surface. Do You? Attackers look for the path of least resistance in your attack surface so that they can break into your organization’s high-value digital assets. They are looking for entry points that your organization doesn’t see; this is your “shadow risk.” To eliminate your shadow risk, you need ongoing visibility of your full attack surface, and there’s only one proven way to get that: perform reconnaissance across your entire IT ecosystem, adopting an outside-in approach.

The Only Cloud-Delivered DLP Platform > Download Whitepaper
Today’s most successful enterprises are instrumenting and
digitizing virtually every aspect of their business. This change
is dramatically increasing the value and volume of sensitive
data that must be protected.

Reducing Third Party Risk Using Passive DNS Data > Download Whitepaper
Today, it’s hard to think of an organization that isn’t outsourcing at least one part of its business to
a third party. As a result, business risk is directly influenced by the security posture of each of their
partners, customers, supply chain, and other related third party businesses. It is this reliance on third
parties that attackers take advantage of – exploiting vulnerabilities in common software or systems
used in almost every modern organization.

Strained Relationships Between Security And IT Ops Teams Leave Businesses At Risk > Download Whitepaper
IT leaders today face pressure from all sides. They must maintain
compliance with an evolving set of regulations, track and secure
data across devices, and manage a dynamic inventory of physical
and virtual assets, all while fulfilling an executive mandate to make
technology an enabler for growth. To cope with this pressure,
many have invested in a number of point solutions. However, these
solutions often operate in silos, straining organizational alignment
and inhibiting the visibility and control needed to protect the

A Taxonomy of Digital Threats: A framework for understanding digital threat types, attack tactics, and risk
protection strategies > Download Whitepaper
For most organizations, digital engagement means
business. Customers expect to interact online with
organizations through online portals, social media, and
mobile apps. Today’s institutions invest in digital platforms
to compete for customers and maintain high levels
of satisfaction.