The ISE® West Executive Forum and Awards 2011 were held on August 10, 2011 at the Westin St. Francis in San Francisco, CA. The ISE® West Award recognizes the information security executives and their teams who have demonstrated outstanding leadership in risk management, data asset protection, regulatory compliance, privacy, and network security.
The ISE® West Awards are held in conjunction with a one day Executive Forum which includes keynote speakers, interactive roundtables moderated by the CISOs and VPs of participating companies, and hot topic panel discussions. The one day program offers the opportunity to meet with peers and leading IT executives from across the region to discuss and share insights into today's issues and solutions.
ISE® West Executive of the Year Award Winner 2011

Mike Wilson
Vice President, Chief Information Security Officer
ISE® West Project Award Winner 2011
Best-in-Class CSIRT Capability
Executive Sponsor: Mike Kyle, Head of Computer Security Incident Response, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Project Team: Mike Kyle, Mark Lorenc, Russ Nolan,, Kelcey Tietjen, Paul Ferrell
The Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) embarked on a transformation project to build a best-in-class CSIRT capability. The results have been so significant that in addition to reducing remediation time frames by over 90% within an 18 month time frame, the program is actively called on to aid other Department of Energy sites with regard to remediation and recovery following advanced targeted attacks.
ISE® West People's Choice Award Winner 2011

Steven Salaets
Director of Global Security and Compliance
Rimini Street
ISE® West Executive Award Finalist 2011

Jamil Farshchi
Chief Information Security Officer
Los Alamos National Laboratory

Spencer Mott
Chief Information Security Officer
Electronic Arts
ISE® West Project Award Finalists 2011
Operational Risk Management Project
Executive Sponsor: Richard Seiersen, ORM Architect
Project Team: Richard Seiersen, Jason Ellis, Carl Koster, Brian Kavanagh, Kevin DePeugh, David Cho, Michael Ruiz
The Operational Risk Management project applies security intelligence within a GRC framework to allow Kaiser Permanente to identify and prioritize actionable security risk. Business intelligence practices are used to automate the collection of enterprise asset data, vulnerability data, and mitigation data into a “single pane of glass.” “Risk tolerance rules,” then operate on the aforementioned data, creating workflow for the purpose of protecting Kaiser's critical assets. The net result is a highly scalable and automated full-stack framework for addressing both vulnerability remediation and associated mitigation up and in the systems stack.
Video Lifecycle Management
Executive Sponsor: Clint Hilbert, VP of Environmental Health, Safety and Security, Paramount Pictures Corporation
Team Members: Stephan Tiffany, Jeffrey Reider
Location: Scotts Valley, CA
The Paramount Pictures project entailed a technology refresh based upon TimeSight Systems’ Video Lifecycle Management. The project enabled intelligent network video recorders (NVR) to increase the span of surveillance video coverage for the Paramount property, enhance the quality of retained video, greatly extend retention times of that video and lower total cost and size of its surveillance system. For Paramount, the camera count is in the hundreds - a number similar to many medium-sized cities across the United States. In addition, Paramount now has access to video for up to a year from the date of recording, which enables Paramount to perform forensics and reviews instantly.