The ISE® Northeast Executive Forum and Awards 2014 were held on October 9, 2014 at the Westin Times Square in New York City, NY. The ISE® Northeast Award recognizes the information security executives and their teams who have demonstrated outstanding leadership in risk management, data asset protection, regulatory compliance, privacy, and network security.
The ISE® Northeast Awards are held in conjunction with a one day Executive Forum which includes keynote speakers, interactive roundtables moderated by the CISOs and VPs of participating companies, and hot topic panel discussions. The one day program offers the opportunity to meet with peers and leading IT executives from across the region to discuss and share insights into today's issues and solutions.
ISE® Northeast Executive of the Year Award Winner 2014

Mark Graff
Chief Information Security Officer
NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc.
ISE® Northeast Project Award Winner 2014
Enterprise-wide Risk Dashboard and Alerting
Executive Sponsor: John Masserini, CSO, MIAX Options Exchange
Project Team: Philip Varughese and Chaz Pulmeri.
Location: Princeton, NJ
The goal of the Enterprise-wide Risk Dashboard and Alerting project was to deploy a best-of-breed solution that would be used by every single operations team to monitor, alert, and report on corporate-wide risks. The cutting-edge solution, based upon the correlation, aggregation, and risk scoring functions of IBM’s QRadar platform provides custom, individualized dashboards to the entire Operation’s Center as well as concise, risk-centric dashboards and reports to executive management. Additionally, with the integration of our real-time threat intelligence feeds, we are able to proactively alert on known bad actors that are using new attack vectors which otherwise go unnoticed.
ISE® Northeast People's Choice Award Winner 2014

Charles Hudson
Executive Director, National Governance, Risk and Compliance
ISE® Northeast Executive Award Finalist 2014

Charles Hudson
Executive Director, National Governance, Risk and Compliance

Jim Routh
Chief Information Security Officer
ISE® Northeast Executive Award Winner 2007
ISE® Northeast Project Award Finalists 2014
CitiNAC (Network Access Control)
Executive Sponsor: Dan Tigar, Managing Director, Citigroup Architecture and Technology Engineering (CATE) CitiSecure Platform
Project Team: John R. Miller, Bill Sztabnik, Carl Froggett, Dave Tirado, Brian Firlein, Patricia Davis, Howard Chang, Vincent D’Onofrio and Steve Chang.
Location: Melville, NY
The thrust of the CitiNAC (Network Access Control) project lay in the profound urgency to aggressively develop and deploy a proactive security solution that would: dynamically yield real time intelligence of all users, devices, systems and applications requesting access to or on Citi’s protected network; provide Enterprise-wide management and enforcement of security policies across Windows and non-Windows systems; block rogue and non-compliant devices; and assess endpoint compliance states allowing Citi to more efficiently remediate endpoint threats and violations. Citi now has one of the largest active global commercial deployments of Network Access Control (NAC) technology.
IT Security Analytics (ITSA)
Executive Sponsor: Charles Hudson, Executive Director, National Governance, Risk & Compliance, Comcast
Project Team: Kallol Ray, Venkat Paruchuri, Laura Whitt-Winyard and Luis Colon.
Location: Philadelphia, PA
The ITSA solution at Comcast solves a problem that practically all security organizations deal with – numerous security tools with individual dashboards, reports (many of which are aesthetically unappealing), remediation portals – all working independent of one another and requiring manual analysis to uncover enterprise risk. Comcast’s ITSA program extends beyond the boundaries of a typical IT Analytics program by creating an end-to-end centralized capability that consolidates numerous security tool reports, provides real-time contextual security analysis, produces stunning visual interactive security metrics, generates behavioral analytics, initiates orchestrated automated remediation and facilitates manual remediation workflows.
Comcast Center of Excellence for Computer Security Innovation & Center for Hardware Assurance, Security, and Engineering at the University of Connecticut
Executive Sponsor: Mark Tehranipoor, Professor, University of Connecticut
Project Team: Professors John Chandy, Laurent Michel and Jerry Shi.
Location: Storrs, CT
CSI research covers the following domains – Authentication, Hardware Security, Theft Prevention, Software Security, Anti-Tampering, Broadband Security, and Supply Chain and a layered approach to security in the age of “Internet of Things”. The center’s research initiatives focus on addressing broadband security starting from the customer’s home to the infrastructure used for transporting data to the equipment on the service provider’s premise. The goal is for a holistic approach to providing supply chain assurance of equipment starting from manufacturing to distribution to placement in customer homes. One of the main charters of CSI is to train and develop the next-generation security engineers through research opportunities, security contests/challenges and other relevant activities.