The ISE® Central Executive Forum and Awards 2016 will be held on May 3, 2016 at the Sheraton Downtown Hotel in Dallas, TX. The Forum includes keynote speakers, interactive roundtables moderated by the CISOs and VPs of participating companies, and hot topic panel discussions. The one day program offers the opportunity to meet with peers and leading IT executives from across the region to discuss and share insights into today's issues and solutions.
The ISE® Central Awards are held in conjunction with a one day Executive Forum which includes keynote speakers, interactive roundtables moderated by the CISOs and VPs of participating companies, and hot topic panel discussions. The one day program offers the opportunity to meet with peers and leading IT executives from across the region to discuss and share insights into today's issues and solutions.
ISE® Central Executive of the Year Award Winner 2016

Scott Pettigrew
VP, Chief Security Officer
Irving, TX
ISE® Central Executive Award Finalist 2014
ISE® North America Executive: Health Care Award Finalist 2014
ISE® Central People's Choice Award Winner 2015
ISE® Central Executive Award Winner Finalist 2015
ISE® Central Executive of the Year Award Winner 2016
ISE® Central People's Choice Award Winner 2016
ISE® North America Executive: Health Care Award Finalist 2016
ISE® North America Executive: Health Care Award Finalist 2017
ISE® North America Executive: Health Care Award Finalist 2019
ISE® Central Project Award Winner 2016
U.S. Bank Enterprise Tokenization Integration Project
Executive Sponsor: Jason Witty, CISO, U.S. Bancorp
Project Team: Michelle Guckeen, Project Manager, Thoralf Symreng, Manager Information Security Risk & Compliance, Carol Stennett, Information Security, Risk & Compliance
The goal of the Tokenization Project was to reduce the amount of sensitive cardholder data stored in U.S. Bank’s network, using tokenization technology that replaces the primary account number (PAN) with a surrogate value--the “token.” This was a highly complex development project that required mapping of data-flows between applications, partnership with multiple CIOs who had to change applications in specifically orchestrated sequences, and business process re-engineering to remove or reduce use-cases where business processes were formerly using real data that required significant protective controls around it. The result was a dramatic reduction in data that required protection.
ISE® Central People's Choice Award Winner 2016

Scott Pettigrew
VP, Chief Security Officer
Irving, TX
ISE® Central Executive Award Finalist 2014
ISE® North America Executive: Health Care Award Finalist 2014
ISE® Central People's Choice Award Winner 2015
ISE® Central Executive Award Winner Finalist 2015
ISE® Central Executive of the Year Award Winner 2016
ISE® Central People's Choice Award Winner 2016
ISE® North America Executive: Health Care Award Finalist 2016
ISE® North America Executive: Health Care Award Finalist 2017
ISE® North America Executive: Health Care Award Finalist 2019
ISE® Central Executive Award Winner Finalists 2016
ISE® Central Project Award Finalists 2016
Consolidated Evidence Assessment Locker (CEAL)
Executive Sponsor: Jim Routh,Chief Security Officer, VP of Global Security, Aetna
Project Team: Mignona Cote – SR Director, Information Security
Enterprises increasingly demand reliable security control assurance and resiliency, which drove Aetna to create the Audit Evidence Locker. Aetna implemented a solution that correlates common regulatory requirements with security policies and artifacts demonstrating the highest level of resiliency in private enterprise. The Audit Evidence Locker demonstrates Aetna’s mature cyber security program by providing an automated conduit for supporting test evidence on the effectiveness of Aetna’s security program. Implementation has eliminated extensive manual efforts by modernizing the way artifacts are collected to meet regulatory compliance and enterprise requirements by collecting the data once, then relating the artifact to numerous assessment requirements.
Physical Access, Surveillance, and Access Governance Program
Executive Sponsor: George Macrelli, Sr. Director, Security Assurance, HMS
Project Team: Kyra Hawkins, Kevin Shamlin
This program was the designed, development, and integrated for the Management and surveillance of physical access to our Data Centers, and 26 Business offices. It entailed the migration from an antiquated electronic access control system to a more robust system that would bring together, Video, Burglar Alarm, Access monitoring, Access Control, Emergency Control, and Access Governance across the entire HMS Business Enterprise.